Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Burning Man Headgear 1

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Friday, August 24, 2007

Dad and Daughter -- Getting Ready for School

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

From My Friend Kathryn on Her Return to DC from Africa

Seven things I love about home after seven days:

1. The rain falls on the road, flows into the gutter, and goes on down
the street drain to the Atlantic Ocean. Soooo tidy.

2. No one blinks when I run the mile to Starbucks and drip sweat onto
my iced grande latte. And I am wearing shorts.

3. All the movies are on Fandango. Hey, there ARE movies.

4. Target has everything. Except dust, flies, barter, and tiny cups
of dangerous coffee. Plus, you can go there in shorts.

5. My 1991 Honda Civic goes vroooom, anywhere I want.

6. All the men wear pants. Or shorts.

7. Shorts.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

GK at 48

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Gayatri's Graduating Class at Berkeley

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Pink PJs and Bubbles

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Gayatri and Jack on Graduation Weekend

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Gayatri Dresses for Her Berkeley Graduation

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Monday, August 20, 2007

Jimbo and the Fam Here for a Cottage Stay

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Friday, August 17, 2007

Views From the Barrel

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
Late summer days....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Kachru in the Making

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
Note the little finger, all while Jack sleeps

Monday, August 13, 2007

Studio Getaway has a Door

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Exercise Bikes and Corn Poppers

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

My Sis at the Songbird Party

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Fixie bikes (one gear) at the Songbird party

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Myth of Sisyphus

The young ones

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
Jack and Gayatri trying to resolve much ado.....


Cleanup of the shed to make inspectors happy

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Kachru's Holding Kidd Kachrus

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Our Handyman Gregory (the Other Gregory) Looking to Hook up the Pooper

tight space
Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd

Barrel Phase Completion

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
The slate is down. And the summer fog rolls in at the Barrel

Sunday, August 05, 2007

From My Friend Kathryn in Darfur

Ten ways you know you really, really don't want to be on the flight, as I learned in my week in working through Darfur. love k

1. Your vehicle bumps a goat as you pull up to the airport "terminal."

2. Your feet leave the ground in the crush at check-in counter.

3. The greeter at the bottom of the stairs says, No knife? no gun?

4. The stewardess sprays cologne down the aisle after boarding the passengers.

5. The pilot AND the co-pilot are Russian.

6. The co-pilot puts his hands on top of the pilot's hands on take-off, to stop them shaking.

7. You recline in your seat to keep your head from touching the ceiling.

8. Your plane is flying faster than the helicopter below you. But not much faster.

9. Someone starts chanting "God is great" over the public address system.

10. Looking down you see that the arrival runway is gravel. But it rained last night.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Lunch Meeting at the Pelican w/ Margaret

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
Instead of meeting at Embarcadero 1 or a client site, Margaret hoofed it (literally) over from Tennessee Valley for lunch in Muir Beach.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Rob's Last Night at Colby St.

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
Jack graciously provided an iPhone go way gift!

Tough Chick

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
Carrie had some health issues but still managed two good days. She is one tough chick.

One of 9 Flat Tires in Utah

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd
This one involved two pinch flats (two holes each) for a total of four punctures. And we only had three good patches!

Park City