Monday, September 19, 2005

Instant Lawn

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
After much abuse to the old lawn, a new "instant" lawn has finally been put forth for Sasha's approval.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Good Link on the 2005 Transalp

From some compatriots....

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Potential Driveway for the Barrel

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
Its a long ways to go, but this is the alternate route from Seacape that we'd like to use for access to the Barrel. Looks like a long battle with the Coastal Commission!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Mom & Dad

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
Dad is over the hump after his kidney has been removed. Fortunately -- the cancer is not aggressive, so hopefully, its back to life as normal. Thanks Paula and Rebecca for zipping up to New Haven to cover the ordeal....

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Builder Boyz

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
After getting sign-off with the building inspectors....celebrating with a bit of brew.

Kiwis and Poms on Sasha B-Day

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
Nick and Linda joined in for the Sasha celebrations. Pete nurses a beer here in front of the nearly completed cottage.

Transalp Team at the Sasha B-Day Party

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
Pete and Carrie hang out at the cottage for the Sasha b-day gig.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Nearing "Official" Completion

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
Approaching the point of "inspector sign-off." Then we can proceed with a proper shower and kitchen both of which are currently prohibitted.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
Cresting a climb and getting ready to descend.

Rolling Into Italy

Originally uploaded by Greg Kidd.
sunny skies on the later half of the transalp. These pics just came in from the pro photo service.